Our Wildflowers

One of the biggest problems, especially for migrating pollinators, is the lack of late summer and early fall nectar producing plants. We need to have fall feeding plants to refuel butterflies and hummingbirds. Our native bees and bumblebees find fall nectar crucial for overwintering here in Ontario.

In response to this newest data, we have launched a line of heavy nectar producing plants. These plants produce nectar over the period of July to October.

Of course, producing food is only one piece of the whole puzzle. To ensure survival of all our pollinators, all the necessities of life must be provided. Please see our bee articles for further information.

‘ That which is not good for the health of the beehive is not good for the bee. ‘

Marcus Aureluis

A major misconception is that you must just plant wildflowers to feed our hungry pollinators.  We have composed a top 10 feeding list of trees and shrubs for you to browse.  Consider the math.  A flowering, native basswood tree may produce up to 60 pounds of nectar.  How many acres of wildflowers would that be?  Follow the link to the listing and happy planting!

Everything is always about balance.  You need to balance planting both wildflowers and trees to maximize land use and maximize feeding potential to all pollinators.